Daniel Berry's Classes Page
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We do everything in the NCO class, from building and upgrading PCs to fixing virus laden Windows machines.
The class is divided into 32 lessons, which are covered below.
Day 1- Introduction
Day 2 - Modern Components, Basic PC
Day 3 - Motherboard and Components
Day 4 - Resources, Building a Gamer PC
Day 5 - Hardware ID, Groups, Video
Day 6 - PC Troubleshooting I
Day 7 - Modern CPUs, Maxblast, Chipsets
Day 8 - Upgrading, Moving Data
Day 9 - Low Cost CPUs, Modern Memory
Day 10 - Security and Recycling Issues
Day 11 - Windows 8.1, Video Cards
Day 12 - CPUs, XP Tips, P/S, Fix AOL
Day 13 - Cooling CPUs, Windows
Day 14 - Hard Disk Drives, Maxtor
Day 15 - Floppy Disk and other Drives
Day 16 - PC Troubleshooting II, M/B
Day 17 - OEMs, Mac OS, BIOS Passwords
Day 18 - PC Troubleshooting III
Day 19 - Windows 7 and 8 tips, BIOS
Day 20 - I/O Ports
Day 21 - LAN I, XP + Study
Day 22 - LAN II, Data Loss
Day 23 - Computer Viruses
Day 24 - LAN III
Day 25 - Chrome OS
Day 26 - Mac OS
Day 27 - LAN IV, Printers
Day 28 - Internet, Mac OS tips
Day 29 - PC Troubleshooting IV
Day 30 - Discussion, BIOS
Day 31 - Troubleshooting V, Test
Day 32 - Laptops, Practice Test
Day 33 - (32) Hardware Test
Day 34 - (32) Software Test

These free classes are every Monday and Wednesday evening at the Reedley Adult School, on the RHS campus.

Phone 559-305-7085, for more information.


Daniel Berry is a teacher, who has taught all grades from
Kindergarten through College.

He also has been designing computer systems and networks for over 20 years. He instructs in the following Operating Systems: Mac OS X, Windows XP/7/8/8.1, Chrome OS, Ubuntu, Zorin, iOS, and Android. He currently has courses in which he teaches Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010/2013, A+ Computer, Networking, Web Site Designing, Operating System Management, and Cross Platform Data Coordinating.


Key words: Selmateacher selmateacher7 Chromebook Google Chrome OS KCUSD Satomi Berry Hezekiah Berry Shalom Berry Charis Berry Charis-ma Berry Charisma Berry Lloyd Berry